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Basic Packaging Equipment

The following package equipment is minimum requirement that Umami Square require when you ship your product to customers!

Cardboard Box 10 x 10 x 10

Deluxe Insulated Box Liner 10 x 10 x 10

Ice gel Packs 24 oz (minimum 3packs for each box)

*your product must maintain temperature of 4 Celsius for 3 days

* The link is just suggestion for where you can purchase the equipment from

Essential Packaging Equipment

The following package equipment is minimum requirement that Umami Square require when you ship your product to customers!

Cardboard Box 10 x 10 x 10

Insulated Box Liner 10 x 10 x 10

Ice gel Packs 24 oz (minimum 3packs for each box)

*your product must maintain temperature of 4 Celsius for 3 days

* The link is just suggestion for where you can purchase the equipment from

Overprotection Packaging Equipment

The following package equipment is for the store who want to sell raw food, ice cream and etc.

Cardboard Box 10 x 10 x 10

Deluxe Insulated Box Liner 10 x 10 x 10

Dry Ice ( Please contact nearest dry ice seller ) ex for brooklyn

  • Average market Price of dry ice in NY 1lb = $2

Packing Sample : Ramen

Packing Sample : Curry

Packing Sample : Cake

Packing Sample : Ice Cream

Deluxe Box Liner 10 x 10 x 10

Dry Ice (Please contact nearby dry ice store)

* The link is just suggestion for where you can purchase the equipment from